
Intimation to Stock Exchange


S.No. Download Link
1 Intimation by promoter regarding selling of shares in open market from 04.03.2024-18.03.2024
2 Intimation by promoter regarding selling of shares in open market from 18.01.2024 to 25.01.2024
3 Intimation by promoter regarding selling of shares in open market from 23.02.2024 to 29.02.2024
4 Intimation by promoter regarding selling of shares in open market on 12.01.2024
5 Intimation by promoter regarding selling of shares in open market from 26.02.2024 to 29.02.2024
6 Intimation by promoter regaring sell of shares in open market from 07.03.2024 to 08.03.2024
7 Intimation for appointment of Mr. sanjay mawar as additional director dated 13.02.2024
8 Intimation of acquisition of equity shares and voting rights in Patchems (subsidiary co.)
9 Intimation of awarding a tender to the joint venture of SLL and Sheranwali Infrastructure Pvt Ltd from Northern coalfields
10 Intimation of granting of corporate gurantee for step down subsidiary i.e. SMART
11 Intimation of resignation of Mr. Sanjay mawar from directorship dated 24.01.2024
12 Intimation of restructuring on DML dated 23.12.2023
13 Newspaper publication -Dispatch of postal ballot notice_February 23, 2024
14 Newspaper publication-for finacial results for june 30, 2023 quarter
15 Outcome of BM dated 13.02.2024
16 Outcome of BM dated 31.08.2023
17 Outcome of BM dated June 30, 2023
18 Outcome of BM dated 02.11.2023
19 Proceedings of 68th AGM
20 Public notice of the 68th AGM
21 Resignation of CS -radhakrishnan & compliance officer dated 30.04.2023
22 Signed a tripartite share purchase agreement with old lane mauritius IV limited & PLIL viz. 01.07.2023